Monday, 7 March 2011

New Book on Rapping... yo

Rapping is one of those things.. never really understood the Rapping about 'yo motha' or 'yo girlfriend' or even 'F** that B**** Up' i know that sounds cliche... but what you going to do.. yo.

So i bought this book 'Understand Rap' which I received today. Now of course it is tongue in cheek... but it has famous rappers, Jay Z, Lil Kim, 50 Cent, Kanye West, Beastie Boys... yeh you get the el pointo. So you flick through find a quote and it explains WHAT THE F**K it means... for instance...

Got more Karats than Aisle D, more bread than Aisle G  
(Lyrics: "E.I" On Album: Country Grammer By Artist: Nelly)

Now i'm sure to the norm out there, they will FULLY understand this 'shit' but to me.. it is just that... shit. I mean, why the hell is he in an Aisle? I guess he is shopping in a special shop for special people... so this is what he REALLY wants to get across:

The weight and purity combined with the quantity of the expensive diamond or gold jewlery that is being worn is greater than the amount of vegetables and processed grains one would find in two arbitarily chosen marked aisle at a grocery store.
I have a lot to go through.. so i will keep you posted if i ever come across something that really helps me out! Keep you posted dudes... yo

I drop unexpectedly, like bird shit 
(Lyrics: "Kick in the Door" On Album: Life After Death By Artist: The Notorious B.I.G)

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