Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Acro this Nym WTF

I swear i'm getting more texts with OMG, LOL, XOX, CU, G8, M8, WTF and seriously, i get confused. I have an iPhone and i had to turn predictive text because I too was a victim of the ol' predictive mistakes… i sounded like a drunk even when i wasn't. I referred constantly to the IRS when trying to be cool and write urs…

So I ask, what happened to the Oxford Dictionary. We play scrabble and its so hard, I'm always being told that STFU or whatever acronym i try to play isn't allowed, now surely SURELY there should be some freedom of speech. I'm in the digital arena and i seriously find myself asking WHA? (as in what.. but looks more cool) because i do not know what the F**K people are asking me… so therefore i guess the Vodafone, Telstra, Optus or Virgin's out there are laughing at my idiocy.

Am i meant to refer to my blog as: The bog of the mind or the log of my words… i mean eventually it will be BOG or LOG… right?

'Hey guys, have you seen my bog?'

Yeh… doesn't sound quite right Mr.Acronym or Mrs or Ms or Miss…

You know what is funny… Acronym… what a weird word.. Acronym, what is the acronym for acronym? Is there one peeps?

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